Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fearlessness of Our Foremothers and Forefathers: Part 2 of 4 from a Stewardship Series for the First Baptist Church of Williams

Acts 7:54-60
54 When they heard these things, they became enraged and ground their teeth at Stephen. 55 But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 "Look," he said, "I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" 57 But they covered their ears, and with a loud shout all rushed together against him. 58 Then they dragged him out of the city and began to stone him; and the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59 While they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." 60 Then he knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he died.

            Fearlessness. That’s the word that comes to mind when I reflect on this story of Stephen, the first martyr of the Christian Church. Stephen was fearless. He was fearless as he did great signs and wonders among the people. He was fearless as he stood up to those who argued against him—“those who belonged to the synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called), Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and others of those from Cilicia and Asia” (Acts 6:9). He was fearless as he faced the conspiracies of false witnesses and endured being brought before the high priest in order to answer for those trumped up charges of blasphemy. He was fearless as he boldly proclaimed the truth of the gospel, the reality that God does not dwell in houses built by mortal hands, and he was fearless as he retold the history of how God’s prophets were persecuted by God’s own people. He was fearless in the face of rising anger and the grinding teeth of hatred. He was fearless as he gazed towards the sky and saw a vision of Christ standing as his only witness to the testimony of faith he had given, and he was fearless as he shouted to the lynch mob, "Look…I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" He was fearless right to the very end, for even as the rocks ripped his skin and crushed his bones he was fearless enough to forgive his executioners, just as his Lord had done from the cross on which he himself had been executed: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." Stephen was fearless, and it was his fearlessness that cost him his life, but it was that same fearlessness that helped to start a fire that spread across the empire and the known world. His critics, his accusers, his murderers, even his own death could not stop the good work Stephen had started with the Good News of God’s in-breaking kingdom. Fearlessness: that’s the word that comes to my mind when I reflect on Stephen’s story, and it is a word that comes to mind when I reflect on others’ stories in the history of Christ’s Church.
            Fearlessness is a word that comes to mind when I think on the life of Francis of Assisi in the thirteenth century. St. Francis was fearless as he abandoned the wealth and luxury of the life that was his for the living in order to live among and serve the poor. Fearlessness is a word that comes to mind when I think of that radical Augustinian monk, who on October 31, 1517 walked up to the church in Wittenberg, Germany and nailed his 95 Theses  to its door; fearlessness is the word to describe that same monk, Martin Luther, as he stood before a panel of his accusers at the Diet of Worms, and, when asked to recant his writings on the gospel of Christ, he said, "Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen."[1]
            Fearlessness is the word that comes to mind when I think on our Baptist forbearers. Thomas Helwys was fearless when he wrote to King James I (yes, that King James) declaring that “the state could not act punitively in religious matters against the heretic, the non-Christian, or the atheist.”[2] Roger Williams was fearless when, in the 1640s, he began the colony of Rhode Island, a colony in which the first Baptist church in America was established and a colony with a reputation for religious liberty for all. Fearlessness describes Baptist pastor John Leland and his fight for religious liberty and his influence with James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. Williams and Leland were both fearless with their radical idea of a nation that promoted religious liberty and the separation of Church and State.[3]
            Then there are those fearless forbearers whose testimonies rest closer to us on the slide rule of history. In 1832, Eleanor Macomber was the first single woman funded directly by the Mission Board of the Triennial Convention (the forerunner to the Southern Baptist Convention); she was appointed as an evangelist and church organizer in Burma. In 1849, Harriet A. Baker became the first single woman appointed by the four-year-old Southern Baptist Convention; she was appointed to Canton, China. It wasn’t until 1872 that another single woman would be appointed to the mission field; it would be two single women in fact: Lula Whilden and Edmonia Harris Moon. You likely know Edmonia’s sister better than you know any other missionary: her name was Charlotte Diggs Moon, but folks just call her Lottie.[4] If you’ve grown up in a Baptist church in the last century you’ve no doubt heard the stories of Miss Lottie’s fearlessness, the way she shared the gospel in a foreign country, the way she lived with the people (there’s even a story surrounding her death that she starved to death as the people she served were also starving).[5] These first single women, Baptist, missionaries were fearless as they took the gospel to foreign people in strange lands in a time when women were less than empowered by their Christian brethren.
            Of course, some of you in this room know firsthand the kind of fearlessness it takes to do the kind of radical, empowering, risky, gospel-inspired, Christ-honoring things that can lead to just a touch of controversy.
If you take the paper (whether in print or online) there’s still a good chance you might have missed it. I promise it was there though, on page 2A of Thursday’s Anniston Star. Here are the first three sentences of that little almanac article from October 24, 1988: “In northern Calhoun County there’s little to set the First Baptist Church of Williams apart, and no hint of the controversy that has surrounded it since Sept. 25. That Sunday saw six new deacons ordained—four men and two women. The ordination of women at Williams came as a shock to some Baptist churches in the county.”[6] This church took the fearless move to ordain Peggy Hamby (a woman who could tell me the sky is green and I wouldn’t bother to look out the window to know I’d believe her!) and the late Dean Norton to serve as deacons to this congregation. It was a fearless move that led to one of the highest attended meetings of the Calhoun Baptist Association at Parker Memorial in Anniston, where a vote of 331 to 269 caused the association to refuse to seat this church’s messengers and expel this church from membership in the association.[7] After the vote was taken, the members of this church that were in attendance (perhaps some of you in this room) did not raise shouts of protest, but instead—with the quiet dignity I am coming to learn defines this community—“left quietly through a side door.”[8]
That fearless act twenty-five years ago in many ways has come to define this congregation, but not how you might think. Rather than being known as the Baptist step-child of Calhoun County, among sisters and brothers in other Christian traditions in our county, this congregation has the reputation of being welcoming, loving, encouraging, missional, progressive, intelligent, and—above all—Christ-centered. That fearless act did not come without pain, without consequence: this congregation—and Peggy and Dean especially—was exposed to less-than-loving words and thoughts from others in our county, and there are still those who hold a less-than-favorable opinion of this congregation (which may not have been helped in the minds of those who hold such opinions when word got out you called me as your next pastor!).
Furthermore, that fearless act was not undertaken without a great deal of prayer, research, and the study of Scripture. I know because I’ve read the account of Lee Messer, a former member of this church, as he recorded it on our church’s history:
 Since being directed to reconsider our position by the Calhoun Association…we have again prayerfully researched and studied the Scripture; consulted credible biblical scholars and have scrutinized publications of other mainstream biblical authorities; examined local, state, and national precedents; and reviewed the history of the Baptist Church (sic) with particular emphasis on the role of women in the early Baptist churches. Relying upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we still unanimously concur with our original decision to permit any qualified and elected Christian to serve as a Deacon Family Minister. Albeit we are not the only Baptist Church (sic) in the State Convention to elect qualified women as deacons, we feel comfortable to have women serve in this vital calling.
We believe that our selection is biblical.[9]

            It was a fearless, biblical act that has lead us to where we are today as the First Baptist Church of Williams.
            There is a great legacy of fearlessness behind us, friends. There is the fearlessness of those patriarchs and matriarchs of Scripture: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Esther, the prophets, Mary (Jesus’ mother), the apostles. There is the fearlessness of all those sisters and brothers throughout the history of Christ’s Church who have boldly risked so much in order to live the life Christ calls us all to live, to proclaim the gospel with our words and actions. There are those familiar examples of fearlessness that occupy these pews and live in the spirit of this congregation. Above all else, there is the fearlessness of our Lord himself as he willingly laid his life down and died upon the cross as the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world.
            We have a great legacy of fearlessness for God’s kingdom behind us, but what can we do to add to that legacy today? What bold actions might God be calling us to do as a congregation? What bold actions might God be calling you to do?  Over the next few weeks as you prayerfully consider how you will be good stewards of your time to the ministries of this congregation and as you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to be good stewards of the financial needs of this congregation, take time to reflect on the legacy of fearlessness left by those who have gone before us in the history of Christ’s Church. Spend time with the Scriptures; listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit. Don’t confuse the simple writing of a check or having your name listed on a committee as a fearless act for Christ—do something! If you’re limited by illness, income, or circumstances beyond your control, then pray with boldness! Pray that God will use this congregation to do new, fearless things for God’s kingdom.
May we continue the fearless pursuit of bringing God’s kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. May we boldly follow the call of the Holy Spirit no matter the consequences. May we all give of ourselves to the kingdom work of Christ’s Church as the First Baptist Church of Williams. And as we look forward to celebrating 163 years with our Homecoming celebration next week, may we reflect on the way God has used the fearlessness of this congregation in the past, and may it empower us to fearless acts of generosity, grace, forgiveness, and love. May we all seek together to be fearless for Christ.
Let us pray…

[2] Bill Leonard, Baptist Ways. Judson Press: Valley Forge, PA (2003) p.9.
[3] Ibid., p.130-131.
[4] Ibid. p.176.
[6] from The Anniston Star. October 24, 2013, p. 2A. (Emphasis mine).
[7] Wayne Flynt, Alabama Baptists: Southern Baptists in the Heart of Dixie. The University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa, AL (1998) p.586.
[8] from A People Who Shared a Vision: History of the Church at Williams, 1850-200. Higginbotham Printing: Anniston, AL (200) p101.
[9] Ibid. p.97.

Foundations Fixed in Our Past: Part 1 of 4 from a Stewardship Series for the First Baptist Church of Williams

Genesis 12:1-3
1 Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

            About a hundred and eighty years ago, some folks came drizzling down out of places like South Carolina, heading westward looking for cheap land and plenty of water. They made their way down through the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains by way of a few well-worn trails carved by the native Creek tribes that once inhabited the land. They eventually found their way into a patch of Northeast Alabama right outside a town called Drayton in Benton County (you know it better as Jacksonville in Calhoun County). In that group of pioneers were families with names like Roberts, Milton, Walden, Johnston, Williams, and Boozer. When they first arrived in the place we now call Williams, these first settlers had to clear the land, split logs, build fences, plow the ground, and do all the work that goes with such labor-intensive chores. They made their own clothes, soap, jams, and jellies. They raised all kinds of crops and livestock. And whenever one of their own slipped on over to the other side of eternity, they built coffins from choice lumber that had been set aside and cotton that had been smoothed by hand, and in a practice that is still carried on to this day, the men of the community would dig and prepare the graves.
A few years later, in 1850, those Robertses, Miltons, Waldens, Johnstons, Boozers, and Willamses, all got together and decided that their little community needed a place to worship, so they rolled some logs together to make a building not far from Thomas cemetery and Ohatchee Creek, and once or twice a year the congregation of Ohatchee Baptist Church would gather together to worship the Lord with prayers, songs, and a word from Scripture. By 1881 the church had around 40 members; there were 68 folks who belonged to the church by 1889, and in the before (1888) they started their first Sunday School. In 1890 the log building was moved to the plot of land on which we worship today, and in 1892, a new building was constructed to house the growing congregation. The congregation outgrew that building in 1924, so there was a new building that was constructed and stood until 1971. The building in which we worship this morning replaced it in 1972, and one year later the church that had been known up to that time as Ohatchee Baptist #2 officially changed its name to the First Baptist Church of Williams.
Now I know most of you have heard that story a time or two, and can probably fill in most of the gaps in it. I, however, have only recently read most our church’s history, and I am indebted to Jean Anderson, Lonette Green, Rachel Green, Peggy Hamby, Virginia Norton, Faye Ponder, Mildren Williams, and all the folks who helped that history and records committee back in 2000 compile what became a book titled People who Shared a Vision: History of the Church at Williams, 1850-200 (there are copies of these books for sale in the church office by the way).
As I read the great history of this church and the story of those faithful folks like Zebulon and Emmaline Williams, Samuel and Elizabeth Boozer, James Milton and Barbara Waldon, Nathan and Nancy Roberts, Thomas and Mildred Johnston (charter members of our church), I couldn’t help but wonder what they might think about the church their faithfulness and commitment to God’s kingdom started nearly 163 years ago. I wonder if they could have ever imagined this room—packed with the faithful and searching on Sunday mornings. I wonder if they could have imagined this entire building—complete with running water, electric lights, paved parking, heating and air conditioning, a full kitchen, educational space, a gymnasium, a center for community work and disaster relief, offices, and places designed for children and youth to experience Christ in fellowship and Bible study. I wonder if they could have imagined this church’s ministry and kingdom work—thousands of dollars given for global missions through the Cooperative Program, Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong offerings, and (now) the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and its global missions offering; becoming a charter church of the McAfee School of Theology of Mercer University, helping to train ministers and missionaries for generations to come; the multiple ways in which this church has transformed and rebuilt this community in ways none of us in this room could have ever dreamed. When I first read of those first, faithful members, I couldn’t help but wonder what they would think about this church that has been built upon the foundation of faith they first laid in 1850, and I couldn’t help but think how much like Abram those first folks were.
In the three, short verses we read this morning, we hear God calling Abram (Abraham) to "Go from [his] country and [his] kindred and [his] father's house to the land that [God] will show [him].” God, with increasing specificity,[1] has called Abram to leave everything he has, everything he knows, everything safe and comfortable in order to go to some location to be named later. I imagine it was a terrifying call…at least at first.  Perhaps Abram perked up a bit when he heard God’s following offer in verse 2: “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great...” God promised to make of Abram a great nation…now that seems like a fair deal for leaving one’s family behind, right? Leave everything you know behind you in order to go a God-driven quest towards personal greatness: “sign me up!” But before we hurry on to verse 3 and God’s promise to “bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse” and think this is only a call issued to Abram for his personal gain and glory, we need to “read the fine print” at the end of verses 2 and 3: “you will be a blessing…and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
Did you catch that? God called Abram away from country, his kindred, and his father’s house—not so he could lead him to a land of great, personal wealth and prosperity, but—so that he could be a blessing to all the families of the earth. In other words, Abram’s call is not just one of personal blessing; it is a call to be a blessing. One way of looking at it is this: Abram was called by God to build a foundation of faith upon which a people shall be built—a people from which the blessing of God would come.
God called Abram to leave all that he knew behind. God called Abram to be faithful in his leaving to go to a land God would show him, and in that faithfulness Abram and his wife Sarai—despite being advanced in years—would have a son, Isaac. Isaac would have sons of his own, one named Jacob (or Israel), and Israel would have twelve sons who would themselves be the fathers of twelve tribes. These twelve tribes would form one nation—Israel. This nation (despite Abram’s initial faithfulness) would turn away from God several times in its history. It would eventually divide and be conquered by foreign powers, seeing its share of difficulties. Through it all, however, God’s covenant Abram—to make him a blessing—was still there, still moving and growing, culminating in a descendant of Abram named Mary and her divinely begotten Son, Jesus.
God called those first, faithful families, who had left all they knew behind, to start a church in the community they came to settle, and in that faithfulness generations have come and gone, growing and shaping this church. There have been difficulties, and there will be more. There have been times when people have joined our fellowship and times when people have left our fellowship, and there will be times when others join and when others leave. However, if we hold true to our faith in Christ—the same faith those first believers had all those years ago—we will continue to build upon that faithful foundation fixed in our past.
Today, we begin thinking about how we can build on that foundation. We reflect on the story of Abram and how God used Abram’s faithfulness to bless the families of the earth, and we reflect on the stories of those whose faithfulness has brought this community and this church to where it is today. So how do we continue to bless the families of the earth as our ancient ancestor of faith was called to do? How do we build upon the foundation of faith fixed by those who came before us in this church? Well, I have a few thoughts…
We can bless the families of the earth as the people of God by increasing our time spent in prayer for those who have been called to the mission field and those people to whom they minister. We can begin now prayerfully considering how we might support the team from our very own congregation going to be blessed and be a blessing to those in Haiti this summer. We can bless those in our neighborhoods and places of work by sharing the love of Christ with them as we listen to their fears and care for their needs. We can, as a church, make a commitment to take care of our financial debts in a timely manner in order to focus more of our resources on blessing those in our community and to the end of the earth. We can continue to build on that foundation fixed in the past as we welcome newcomers into our community, as we build relationships with people who have shared the same street address but not the same pew. We can continue to build on that foundation as we continue to grow and shape our community through the many local ministries we do through our church.
We can be a blessing to the families of the earth and build on that foundation of faithfulness as we give of ourselves to the work God calls us to do as the First Baptist Church of Williams, and that takes faith: selfless faith, the kind of faith that risks leaving what we find safe and comfortable behind us as we progress forward seeking the will of God. It takes the kind of faith that stretches us mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. It takes the kind of faith that causes us to give to the ministries and missions of this church—not out of our abundance, but—out of sacrifice. It takes the kind of faith that says when I can’t give from my wallet, I’ll give from my time, from my hands and my feet—my actions.
Today, we begin prayerfully considering how we might follow in the faithful footsteps of those who have gone on before us, from Abram to those first believers in Williams to those who worship in this room with us today. We begin praying about how God will use each of us individually and collectively to bless the nations. In the coming weeks, as we continue to reflect on our past, as we worship and celebrate in the present, and as we look forward to the future of God’s kingdom work here at Williams, one thing we can pray about as we consider how we will build on the foundation laid for us is our giving. Over the last few weeks, the stewardship and pledge committee has been meeting and praying about how we will move forward with canceling our debt and planning our future financial needs, and in these next few weeks as you pray about the work we are called to do, you will receive a pledge card. Don’t fill it out right away. Instead, pray over it; consider how God is calling you in the work of this church and the building up of the kingdom. Pray about how God is calling you to give with faithfulness, but by all means, first consider how God has blessed you and how God is calling you to bless others.
Above all else, though, I want you to hear this: God called Abram—God called those first believers here in Williams—not to build buildings, not to build neighborhoods, not to build nations, not even to build a denomination nor a religion. God called Abram, those first followers at Williams, and everyone in between and after to be in a loving, eternal relationship with God. So, if you’re in this room and maybe turned off by the idea that a church needs your money (because, frankly, we do), hear this: God is not after your money, and God is not particularly in the business of giving you money. God is after your heart. Like Abram and all those after him, God is after you and me because God love us. So this morning, during our time of commitment, I’m going to ask you to pray: pray for God’s direction as to how God can and will use you to build upon the foundation left for us; pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to your soul, guiding you towards a deeper relationship with God in Christ. Pray, and move as the Spirit of God calls you to move.
Let us pray…

[1] Robert Alter, The Five Books of Moses, “Genesis.” W.W. Norton & Company: New York (2004) p. 62.